Friday, March 8, 2013


Day 1:
It's spring break and I couldn't take being in the house anymore so we ventured out to the MN zoo Thursday.  The 1st this we did was ride to Monorail (aka zoo train).  JV enjoyed the ride itself, but we didn't see very many animals so we of course had to walk the trail to find the animals.  Of all the animal at the zoo JV was focused on finding a horse! 
***Side note: We drove out to the country to see horses "in the barn" as JV would say with no luck.  We did however get to see quite a few dairy cows.*** 

Luckily for us there were a few horses at the zoo.
We stayed with the horses for quite some time.  At one point the horse walked right up to greet us.

Towards the end of the day we ventured inside to see the penguin exhibit.

Here JV is greeting the penguins.
Day 2:
Today, we tried out Como Park Zoo.  While I feel bad for the animals, there isn't much room for them to run and play, it was a much better zoo for small children since the animal were up close and easy to see.  We ever got to play peek-a-boo with an orangutan!
JV is a happy camper here!

Really mom, another picture?

The 1st animal sighting.

Look carefully and you might see a fox.

"Long neck!"

 Summer time isn't the only time you can splash in puddles you know.
"A tiger Mom!"
At the end of the day I asked JV what his favorite animal at the zoo was.  I expected him to say tiger or bear.  He replied, "horses!"  I guess we need to visit a farm next.