During nap time, aka, break time for MamaRach, I found this website:
Everything Preschool . It has a few sample lesson plans and lots of ideas. I was so thrilled that I attempted to follow their lesson plans titled "Farm Week". I made my own changes since my charges (nanny kids) are on 1.5 years old.
Little People Barn and Farm Animals |
Above: The boys LOVED these! I was lucky enough that there were 2 barns. Even with both barns there were times that we had to work on sharing and 'gentle hands'.
Coloring a farm picture |
We also worked on fine motor skills through artwork. Here, I had the boys color a picture of a farm. As they colored we talked about the the objects in the picture and the sounds each animal made.
It snows on the farm too! |
Too cold to play outside? Bring the outside in!
Honestly, I had high hopes for this but it just didn't work out as well as I had hoped. Although my oldest charge (5.5 years old) loved it! The plan however was to have the boys play in the snow with the Little People animals. Next time I will set up cookies sheets with snow. The little guys (1.5 years old) just couldn't reach the animals in the tub.
Painting a horse |
Don't interrupt. He's very focused! |
I love texture play, and the easiest way to do that is with paint. Dump a little paint into a bowl. Give the kids paint brushes, a picture to paint and you have an instant master peice! (This is also good for fine motor).
*tip: Use painters tape to hold pictures in place
'P' working on his puzzle |
Little Man working on the puzzle with 'P' there for support. |
These Melissa and Doug puzzles from
Target proved to be a big hit. I specifically like that the are thick for little hands and have the picture on the puzzle board. It only took one or two times of working with the boys before they started figuring it out on their own. 'P' was able to complete a whole puzzle by himself!
Mama Rach
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