I was very excited to go to Maple Grove Days this year since it was the 1st year that JV would really be able to participate. I couldn't wait to get there. We were forced to park in the grocery store parking lot which was roped off with carts to separate the Maple Grove Days parking from the grocery story parking. I don't know why they used the kids car cart, because just like JV I'm sure every kids that passed it wanted to play there instead of walking to the festival.
JV refusing to leave the car:
The 1st exhibit we went to was the animal petting. I couldn't help but love this chicken!
This is the main reason I wanted to bring JV to the festival. I always heard my mom talk about riding ponies as a child and thought that it would be so fun. JV liked the idea until it was time to hope on. You can see that he was holding onto me more than he was the pony!
Playing at the park beside the festival is probably JV's favorite event of the day. Look how strong he is.
Good thing dad was there to catch him!
Time for BV and me to race!
I had a good start but then I lost momentum :(
Now JV wants to race me.
Pony ride #2! Here BV is showing JV how nice the pony is.
Cheese! JV looks more comfortable riding with dad.
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