Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Batch a Day and Other News

So as you know, we've been making our own baby food.  We were making several batches at once.  My husband has no problem with this, but I tend to get overwhelmed.  This week I decided to make a batch a day.  This allows me to make the food while Jackson is awake, without taking too much time away from him, which in turn leaves me nap time to do my school work.  So far it's working. 

In other news...

Jackson has learned how to crawl up the stairs! 
While I was looking at The Toddler Calendar, Jackson was playing by the stairs, just out of sight.  It became too quiet, and then I heard a noise I've never heard before.  I walked around the corner and didn't see him.  The bathroom door was closed.  I quickly looked over the baby gate to see if he had somehow climbed over it and fallen down the stairs (as if he could really climb OVER the gate..haha!).  My heart sank!  Where was he!?  I heard the noise again and then I found him....HALFWAY UP THE STAIRS! 

As you can imagine, I spent the next 15 mins baby proofing the house.  Sockets, check.  Baby gate in new location, check.  Locks on cabinet, check.

I can get up, but I can't get down

Little man just fell asleep for his 1st nap of the day.  By the way, it's 1:15.  He has figured out how to sit and stand up in the bed.  When I laid him down he immediately sat up in frustration.  I laid him down.  We repeated this process several times before I decided he would have to figure it out.  Well, it didn't go as planned and I finally just brought him downstairs to play.  Before trying again I changed him diaper, gave him Tylenol and baby orajel, feed him, nursed him and gave him a sippy cup of milk.  All bases covered. 

He once again repeated the flip, sit, stand, but this time I noticed he was only flipping to the left.  So I laid him back down beside to railing in hopes of him having a harder time flipping over to sit.  I walked out at this point so I don't know what happened but 5 mins later this is what I saw....
And yes, I will take tips on teaching him how to lay back down himself.  What do you do? 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting Bigger Every Day

It seems like a just a few short weeks ago I was able to lay Jackson on the bed in the computer room while I blogged or scrap booked.  Today it's a different story.  He is 'crusin' anything and everything in an attempt to walk.  When he's not cruising the furniture or the walls, he is scooting from place to place, dancing, playing music (AKA: banging on pots, pans, and toys).  He is also talking constantly.  Sometimes with 'words' other times with sign language.

 Getting into everything.  Wait, is something in your mouth? 

Fixing the bed:

This the the drawer I set up for Jackson in the computer/guest room.  As you can tell from the picture, he's been playing with them for a while.  This room is not overly child-friendly, but this keeps Jackson occupied for about 15-20 mins.  Just long enough to pay bills, post a blog, or check email.

Mama Rach

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Bucket List

It's summer time!  I have roughly two months off work, and I plan on jam packing it with lots of fun activities for the family.  Here are a few things on my summer bucket list...

teaching J more sign language signs
practice using utensils
TOT school
swim pond
splash pad
Thursday outdoor kids music
underwater swimming at the pool
get to know all the parks in MG
1 year pictures
summer photo project
scrapbook year one
lunch with dad
ediable sensory table
children's museam
pick strawberries
story time at the library
spending a weekend in Duluth, MN
biking around the lake
cookout with friends
Celebrating Jackson's 1st birthday!

Mama Rach