Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day Fun 2014

For Valentine's this year, JV's school invited all the parents to join them for their Valentine's Party.  BV couldn't get out of work, but since Valentine's fell on a Friday I was lucky enough to be able to join him for the morning. 
Above, JV and his friend are doing "telephone work".  The kids were very quick to teach me that we don't sit ON the mat!
Next, JV choose Playdoh work.  1st he has to place a mat on the table where he will work, followed by getting the tray with the Playdoh materials, placing the materials on the mat, and returning the tray to it's assigned spot.  Finally, he plays, or as the Montessori teacher would say, "works" with the Playdoh.  It was nice to see him work so independently!

But of Course it's more fun with friends!
Strawberries, ice creams, and juice for a party snack.

The last part of the party was giving and receiving Valentine's cards and goodies.  As you can see, JV was pretty silly/excited about this.

Being silly with friends!
When dad came home, JV was very excited to give everyone, including himself, a Valentine's balloon from the dollar tree.

JV opening up his bag of gifts.

Last, but not least, a Valentine's snack before bed.

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